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Table 1 Basic characteristics of 1,640 cases allocated to groups according to levels of distress and impairment

From: Distress and disability in young adults presenting to clinical services with mood disorders


Low impairment and low distress

Low impairment and high distress

High impairment and low distress

High impairment and high distress

Statistical test

Significance (p value)


(N = 527)

(N = 247)

(N = 223)

(N = 643)


Mean age (SD) in years (n = 1,678)a

17.07 (3.45)

17.40 (2.95)

18.31 (3.69)

18.53 (3.02)

F = 16.18


df = 3, 1,674

No vocational activity (n = 386)

81 (21%)

66 (17%)

54 (14%)

185 (48%)

χ2 = 26.56


df = 6c

No lifetime co-morbidities (n = 512)

175 (33%)

75 (30%)

71 (33%)b

191 (29%)

χ2 = 14.43


df = 9d

Nicotine abstinence (n = 894)

331 (63%)

134 (54%)

125 (58%)b

304 (47%)

χ2 = 21.01


df = 3

Alcohol abstinence (n = 555)

216 (41%)

83 (34%)

89 (42%)b

167 (26%)

χ2 = 24.93


df = 3

Cannabis abstinence (n = 1,177)

411 (78%)

177 (72%)

165 (77%)b

424 (66%)

χ2 = 19.62


df = 3

Abstinence from substance useb (n = 543)

217 (41%)

92 (37%)

87 (41%)b

147 (23%)

χ2 = 38.27



df = 9d

  1. aTotal cases = 1,678 due to missing data; n = 1,640 were assigned to distress/impairment groups (the remaining n = 38 cases had missing K-10 or WSAS scores). Numbers included in each analysis are given in brackets; levels of distress and impairment were determined by K-10 and WSAS scores, respectively. Post hoc analysis shows that the high impairment/distress group is significantly older than both low impairment groups; the high impairment/low distress group is also significantly older than the two low impairment sub-groups (age of high distress groups do not differ significantly; ditto for the low impairment groups). bSubstance refers to alcohol, nicotine or cannabis. cThree categories for vocational status. dFour sub-groups for co-morbidity and for poly-substance use (see the 'Methods’ section for details).