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Table 5 Qualitative findings across participants

From: Using theatre to address mental illness stigma: a knowledge translation study in bipolar disorder

Qualitative finding

Participant quotes

Emotional impact of That’s Just Crazy Talk

It was downright entertaining and moving. 03-HP007


Knowing that she’s an actress, but knowing that she actually lived it (…) had an impact. 03-HP009


It just was kind of like reading your own journal but through someone else’s eyes. 02-HP006 (HP&CM)


The key factors for me would be that she was really fearless about telling her story. 02-CM006

That’s Just Crazy Talk as a unique learning opportunity

I thought it was very helpful just to hear the experience from a person’s perspective who actually was struggling with the disorder. 02-HP010

 The complexity and heterogeneity of BD experiences

More specifically that, I’m seeing that there’s more levels of disorder than what I’ve experienced. 01-CM029

 The possibility and opportunity for recovery (e.g. hope)

That’s powerful, because it gives you an image that people can get better, you know. This is where she was at, and this is how she is now. 02-HP027

A demystification of the experiences of BD

I think it just reminded me that they’re just like you and me. They’re just a person who has a story. 02-HP006

  1. CM = person with BD; HP = healthcare provider.