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Table 1 Sample characteristics

From: Circadian rhythmicity in emerging mood disorders: state or trait marker?


Unipolar disorder (N = 33)

Bipolar disorder (N = 30)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Current agea

18.66 (3.01)

19.95 (2.13)

Duration of illness

4.45 (3.59)

5.92 (2.87)

Body Mass Index

23.67 (2.89)

24.05 (4.77)

Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression

13.97 (7.90)

12.44 (7.08)

Young Mania Rating Scaleb Median (IQR)

2 (0, 3)

3.5 (1, 5)


Number (%)

Number (%)


20 (61)

19 (63)



25 (76)

19 (77)

 Atypical antipsychotic

5 (15)

7 (23)

 Mood stabilizerc

2 (6)

5 (17)


2 (6)

0 (0)

  1. IQR Interquartile range
  2. a t-test: t = 1.94, p = 0.06
  3. bMann–Whitney U test: p = 0.07
  4. cFisher’s exact test: p = 0.09
  5. dTotal for all medications exceeds 100 % as some individuals were prescribed >1 medication