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Table 2 Characteristics of participants of a newly designed 12 session psychoeducational program for bipolar disorder

From: A multi-center naturalistic study of a newly designed 12-sessions group psychoeducation program for patients with bipolar disorder and their caregivers

Patients (n = 97)


Caregivers (n = 72)


Age (mean) (SD; range)

40.8 (12.6; 19–72)

Age (mean) (SD; range)

50.1 (11.9; 23–72)

Gender (% female)

n = 56 (57.7%)

Gender (% female)

n = 33 (45.8%)

QIDS (mean) (SD; range)

9.0 (6.2; 0–24)


ASRM (mean) (SD; range)

1.7 (2.5; 0–9)


Duration of illness in years (SD; range)

13.9 (11.8; 0–45)


BD diagnosis (self-reported)a


Relationship (%)


 BD I (%)

n = 36 (37.1%)


n = 48 (66.7%)

 BD II (%)

n = 35 (36.1%)


n = 14 (19.4%)

 BD other (%)

n = 4 (4.1%)


n = 8 (11.1%)

 Unknown to patient (%)

n = 22 (22.7%)

Not reported

n = 2 (2.8%)

Age at first treatment (SD; range)

32.8 (12.2;12–61)

Years involved in treatment of patient (SD; range)

4.5 (5.9;0–30)

Participating with caregiver (%)

n = 73 (75.3%)


Participating w/o caregiver (%)

n = 24 (24.7%)


Currently using medication (%)

n = 88 (90.7%)


 Lithium (%)

n = 54 (61.4%)


 Anticonvulsant b (%)

n = 28 (31.8%)


 Antipsychotic c (%)

n = 24 (27.3%)


 Antidepressant (%)

n = 36 (40.9%)


 Anxiolytic (%)

n = 6 (6.8%)


Number of medications, median (range)

1 (1–4)

  1. a Patients were asked about their diagnosis; before inclusion in the PE program, all patients had a clinically confirmed diagnosis of bipolar disorder type I, II or NOS
  2. b Anticonvulsants included valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine
  3. c Antipsychotics were mainly second generation agents