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Table 4 Practical discussion points for clinicians and patients to consider before starting ESM in treatment, based on the findings of the present study

From: Recommendations for the use of long-term experience sampling in bipolar disorder care: a qualitative study of patient and clinician experiences

1: Determine rationale of ESM

Desirability of ESM

Do both patient and clinician agree that ESM is helpful and doable?

Goal of ESM

What do patient and clinician hope to gain from ESM? How does it fit into the patients’ current treatment goals?

2: Manage expectations


Risk of negative effects

Are patient or clinician apprehensive of any negative effects (e.g., mood worsening, pre-occupation with disorder)? What can the patient do if these occur?


Is it okay if patients’ occasionally miss assessments, and how often?


What can patient and clinician expect to learn from the ESM feedback, and what not?

3: Determine the ESM protocol

Feasibility of the monitoring

What frequency and duration of assessments is necessary to meet the goal and remain feasible for both patient and clinician?

Content of the assessments

What should the ESM diary include to meet the goal?

Need for weekly mood questionnaires

Is weekly monitoring for episodes necessary?

Desirability of alerts to patient and/or clinician

Do patient and clinician want to be informed of elevated scores?

4: Determine level of involvement of clinician

Data access

What data is the clinician allowed to examine and how often?

Degree of contact through ESM

Does the patient contact the clinician in case of elevated scores or alerts, or vice versa? What happens if patients indicate elevated scores?

5: Facilitate interpretation of personalized feedback

Frequency of feedback

How often is the personalized feedback discussed?

Content of feedback

Which data are discussed? Is it necessary to discuss all the feedback every session, or only parts of it?

Interpretation of feedback

Can the clinician help the patient to read the graphs? How do both interpret the feedback, and are there meaningful differences therein?

6: Evaluate regularly

Usefulness and feasibility of ESM

Does the current ESM protocol still meet its intended goal or does it needs to be adapted? Is it still feasible for the patient?

Negative effects

Have any negative effects of ESM occurred and (how) can the patient cope with them?