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Table 5 Background characteristics of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) and healthy control individuals (HC) using smartphones for daily self-monitoring, N = 157

From: Patient-evaluated cognitive function measured with smartphones and the association with objective cognitive function, perceived stress, quality of life and function capacity in patients with bipolar disorder


BD, The MONARCA I trial, n = 33

BD, The MONARCA I & II trials, n = 117

HC, n = 40


Age, years

29.1 (7.5)

30.9 (9.9)

35.2 (12.8)


Female gender, % (n)

65.7 (22)

73 (62.4)

55 (22)


Full time employed, % (n)

14.3 (5)

17.1 (20)

57.5 (23)

< 0.0001

PSS scorea

18.32 (9.22)

16.30 (8.81)

6.87 (5.04)

< 0.0001

CPFQ scoreb

21.36 (6.74)

WHOQoL scorec

81.58 (13.41)

86.76 (13.01)

97.79 (7.37)

< 0.0001

FAST scored

23.22 (16.65)

21.04 (14.68)

1.61 (2.10)

< 0.0001

SCIP scoree

73.80 (11.32)

HDRS, follow-upf

9.23 (7.27)

8.77 (7.13)

0.25 (0.54)

< 0.0001

YMRS, follow-upg

3.14 (4.37)

3.07 (4.32)

0.071 (0.27)

< 0.0001

  1. Data are mean (SD), median [IQR] or proportions (n) unless otherwise stated
  2. aPSS: Perceived stress measured using Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale; bCPFQ: The Massachusetts General Hospital Cognitive and Physical Functioning Questionnaire; cWHOQoL: Quality of life measures using the WHO Quality of Life BREF; dFAST: Psychosocial functioning measured using the Functional Assessment Short Test; eSCIP: The Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry; fHDRS: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 17-items; gYMRS: Young Mania Rating Scale
  3. *Difference between patients with BD (The MONARCA I & II trials) versus the HC