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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients treated in 52 week long-term study

From: Lurasidone in the long-term treatment of Japanese patients with bipolar I disorder: a 52 week open label study


Most recent or current episode of bipolar I disorder

All Patients (n = 199)

Depressed episode (n = 117)

Non-Depressed episode (n = 82)

Demographics and clinical characteristics

 Male, n (%)

102 (51.3)

63 (53.8)

39 (47.6)

 Age years, mean (SD)

41.6 (12.0)

40.0 (10.9)

43.8 (13.1)

 Duration of bipolar I disorder, mean years (SD)

13.5 (11.1)

13.8 (10.6)

13.0 (11.7)

 With rapid cycling, n (%)

30 (15.1)

15 (12.8)

15 (18.3)

Efficacy measure at long-term study baseline

 MADRS, mean (SD)

12.4 (10.3)

16.0 (10.2)

7.3 (8.0)

 CGI-BP-S Overall, mean (SD)

2.98 (1.29)

3.10 (1.25)

2.80 (1.33)

 CGI-BP-S Depression, mean (SD)

2.51 (1.39)

3.03 (1.31)

1.77 (1.13)

 CGI-BP-S Mania, mean (SD)

1.77 (1.18)

1.23 (0.56)

2.55 (1.39)

 SDS, mean (SD)#

11.9 (8.7)

13.7 (9.03)

9.2 (7.6)

 YMRS, mean (SD)

4.7 (6.7)

2.0 (2.8)

8.7 (8.6)

 HAM-A, mean (SD)

8.3 (7.2)

10.6 (7.5)

5.0 (5.2)

Safety measure at long-term study baseline

 DIEPSS (excluding overall severity), mean (SD)

0.36 (0.78)

0.50 (0.87)

0.16 (0.60)

  1. #Number of patients: All = 181, Depressed = 109, Non-Depressed = 72
  2. CGI-BP-S Clinical Global Impression Bipolar Version Severity of illness score, DIEPSS Drug-Induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms Scale, HAM-A Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety total score, LUR lurasidone, MADRS Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale, PBO placebo, SD Standard Deviation, SDS Sheehan Disability Scale, YMRS Young Mania Rating Scale