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Table 5 Highly significant differences between BD-2 and BD-1 subjects

From: Differences between bipolar disorder types 1 and 2 support the DSM two-syndrome concept

More with BD-2

More with BD-1

Familial mood disorders


Older at: first symptoms, syndrome, diagnosis, treatment

Drug and alcohol abuse; cigarettes/day

Educated > high school

First episode [hypo]manic


First episode psychotic

Ever married

Higher intake scores: YMRS, MDQ


Spring–summer seasonal [hypo]mania

Higher SES rating

%-Time [hypo]manic

Cyclothymic temperament

Psychiatric hospitalizations/year

Co-occurring general medical and anxiety disorders

Violent suicidal acts

First lifetime episode: depressive and longer

Use of lithium and mg/day doses

Intake depression (HDRS, MADRS) and anxiety (HARS)

HDRS items: psychomotor retardation, paranoia

HDRS items: depressed mood, guilt, suicidal, insomnia, agitation, psychic and somatic anxiety, hypochondriasis, weight-loss, circadian mood-fluctuation, total score


%-Time depressed

Predominant depression

DMI course pattern

Rapid or continuous cycling

Prescribed antidepressants and benzodiazepines

  1. All measures differ at p ≤ 0.01