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Table 1 Descriptive statistics for the study participants

From: The interplay of daily affect and impulsivity measured by mobile surveys in bipolar disorder

Participant characteristics

Total Sample, Mean (SD) or N (%)

BD group

HC group


N = 172

N = 70

N = 102

Race/ethnicity (White)

83 (48.3%)

41 (58.6%)

42 (41.2%)

Sex (Female)

100 (58.1%)

45 (64.3%)

55 (53.9%)


47.02 (8.87)

47.40 (9.17)

46.75 (8.68)

Years of education

14.53 (2.10)

15.47 (2.11)

BD diagnosis††

15.09 (2.15)

Bipolar I

66 (94.2%)

Bipolar II

4 (5.7%)

  1. Race/ethnicity was self-identified
  2. ††BD diagnoses made according to DSM-IV-TR criteria