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Table 1 Sessions of the Culturally adapted Psychoeducation (CaPE) intervention

From: Pilot study of a culturally adapted psychoeducation (CaPE) intervention for bipolar disorder in Pakistan

Session 1: Concept and causes

Session 2: Symptoms: Mania, Hypomania, Depression and mixed conditions

Session 3: Evolution and prognosis, psychoactive substance misuse

Session 4: Treatment with medication (Mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants)

Session 5: Alternative therapies

Session 6: Risks associated with interruption of treatment

Session 7: Learning to detect early symptoms of relapse

Sesison 8: What to do when a relapse is detected?

Sesion 9: Regularity of habits

Session 10: Stress-control

Session 11: Prolem-solving strategies

Session 12: Final session