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Table 1 Clinical and biological factors of good lithium response

From: Effectiveness of ultra-long-term lithium treatment: relevant factors and case series



Episodic course with periods of complete remissions

Pattern of mania-depression-interval

Absence of psychotic episodes

Non-rapid-cycling course

Later onset of illness

Short duration of the illness before lithium administration

Low psychiatric comorbidity

Hyperthymic temperament

High social status

Social support

Good compliance

No history of childhood abuse

Different effect on induced pluripotent stem cells

Different effect on lymphoblastoid cell lines

Candidate genes, including genes involved in stress response and “clock” genes

Genes for lncRNA on chromosome 21 (ConLiGen GWAS research)

Worse response with polygenic risk score for schizophrenia, major depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Genes for HLA-mediated low inflammation

Differences in methylated regions (genome wide methylomic study)