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  1. The delivery of psychiatric care is changing with a new emphasis on integrated care, preventative measures, population health, and the biological basis of disease. Fundamental to this transformation are big da...

    Authors: Scott Monteith, Tasha Glenn, John Geddes, Peter C. Whybrow and Michael Bauer
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:10
  2. Evidence suggests that patients with bipolar disorder (BD) experience biological rhythm disturbances; however, no studies have examined the impact of this disruption on quality of life (QOL). The aim of this s...

    Authors: Lauren E. Cudney, Benicio N. Frey, David L. Streiner, Luciano Minuzzi and Roberto B. Sassi
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:9
  3. Bipolar depression is characterized by depressive symptoms and impairment in many areas of functioning, including work, family, and social life. The objective of this study was to assess the independent, direc...

    Authors: Krithika Rajagopalan, Elizabeth Dansie Bacci, Kathleen W. Wyrwich, Andrei Pikalov and Antony Loebel
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:7
  4. Ecological momentary sampling in BD research requires brief symptom measures with low cognitive demands to maximize data collection across the range of BD symptomatology. We developed the BD Sx cognizant of the c...

    Authors: Norm O’Rourke, Andrew Sixsmith, David B. King, Hamed Yaghoubi-Shahir and Sarah L. Canham
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:8
  5. Behavioral and emotional adverse events induced by drugs commonly prescribed to patients with bipolar disorders are of paramount importance to clinical practice and research. However, no reviews on the topic h...

    Authors: Alejandro Szmulewicz, Cecilia Samamé, Pablo Caravotta, Diego J. Martino, Ana Igoa, Diego Hidalgo-Mazzei, Francesc Colom and Sergio A. Strejilevich
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:6
  6. Mood disorders and circulating thyroid antibodies are very prevalent in the population and their concomitant occurrence may be due to chance. However, thyroid antibodies have been repeatedly hypothesized to p...

    Authors: Alberto Bocchetta, Francesco Traccis, Enrica Mosca, Alessandra Serra, Giorgio Tamburini and Andrea Loviselli
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:5
  7. Despite the rapid growth in the sophistication of research on bipolar disorder (BD), the field faces challenges in improving quality of life (QoL) and symptom outcomes, adapting treatments for marginalized com...

    Authors: Erin E. Michalak, Steven Jones, Fiona Lobban, Guillermo Perez Algorta, Steven J. Barnes, Lesley Berk, Michael Berk, Rachelle Hole, Sara Lapsley, Victoria Maxwell, Roumen Milev, John McManamy, Greg Murray, Mauricio Tohen, Samson Tse, Manuel Sanchez de Carmona…
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:4
  8. Circadian rhythm disturbances overlap with the symptoms of mood episodes and may trigger or prolong mood symptoms. There is limited research on the role of circadian disturbances in mood disorders in young peo...

    Authors: Ashlee B. Grierson, Ian B. Hickie, Sharon L. Naismith, Daniel F. Hermens, Elizabeth M. Scott and Jan Scott
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:3
  9. This review will discuss the role of childhood trauma in bipolar disorders. Relevant studies were identified via Medline (PubMed) and PsycINFO databases published up to and including July 2015. This review con...

    Authors: Monica Aas, Chantal Henry, Ole A. Andreassen, Frank Bellivier, Ingrid Melle and Bruno Etain
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:2
  10. Lithium acts biochemically through the inositol depletion in brain cortex. At low doses, however, it is partly effective and/or ineffective, whereas in high concentrations is toxic. We would like to make one p...

    Authors: Paolo D. Pigatto, Bernardo Dell’Osso and Gianpaolo Guzzi
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2016 4:1
  11. As a natural phenomenon, mania without major depression will of course survive DSM-5 and ICD-11, but following its integration as a diagnosis into bipolar-I disorder (BP-I) in those manuals, BP-I will be more ...

    Authors: Jules Angst
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:24
  12. Lithium has been used as the gold standard in the treatment of major depressive and bipolar disorders for decades. Due to its narrow therapeutic index, lithium toxicity is a common clinical problem. Although r...

    Authors: R. Haussmann, M. Bauer, S. von Bonin, P. Grof and U. Lewitzka
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:23
  13. Bipolar disorder is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. Its detection and correct diagnosis highly relies on the report of past hypomanic or manic episodes. We investigated the recognition and awareness of ...

    Authors: Eline J. Regeer, Ralph W. Kupka, Margreet ten Have, Wilma Vollebergh and Willem A. Nolen
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:22
  14. Big data are coming to the study of bipolar disorder and all of psychiatry. Data are coming from providers and payers (including EMR, imaging, insurance claims and pharmacy data), from omics (genomic, proteomi...

    Authors: Scott Monteith, Tasha Glenn, John Geddes and Michael Bauer
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:21
  15. Some, but not all, prior investigations suggest armodafinil may have utility as an adjunctive treatment in bipolar I depression.

    Authors: Mark A Frye, Jess Amchin, Michael Bauer, Caleb Adler, Ronghua Yang and Terence A Ketter
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:18
  16. Little is known about the mood symptom experience of women with bipolar disorder during the menopausal transition (MT). Yet times of rapid hormonal decline, such as the postpartum, are associated with increase...

    Authors: Wendy K. Marsh, Bernice Gershenson and Anthony J. Rothschild
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:17
  17. The previous contribution of Duffy and colleagues suggests that a chain of behavioral events starting during childhood precedes the development of full-blown bipolar disorder. In this vein, the recent contribu...

    Authors: Ives C Passos, Karen Jansen and Flavio Kapczinski
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:16
  18. The management and treatment of patients with suicidal behavior is one of the most challenging tasks for health-care professionals. Patients with affective disorders are at high risk for suicidal behavior, the...

    Authors: U Lewitzka, E Severus, R Bauer, P Ritter, B Müller-Oerlinghausen and M Bauer
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:15
  19. We aimed to establish a bipolar disorder biobank to serve as a resource for clinical and biomarker studies of disease risk and treatment response. Here, we describe the aims, design, infrastructure, and resear...

    Authors: Mark A Frye, Susan L McElroy, Manuel Fuentes, Bruce Sutor, Kathryn M Schak, Christine W Galardy, Brian A Palmer, Miguel L Prieto, Simon Kung, Christopher L Sola, Euijung Ryu, Marin Veldic, Jennifer Geske, Alfredo Cuellar-Barboza, Lisa R Seymour, Nicole Mori…
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:14
  20. Reports of toxic effects on the kidney of lithium treatment emerged very soon after lithium therapy was introduced. Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is usually self-limiting or not clinically dan...

    Authors: Abed N. Azab, Alla Shnaider, Yamima Osher, Dana Wang, Yuly Bersudsky and R. H. Belmaker
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:13
  21. Dietary supplements are taken by about half of Americans. Knowledge of dietary supplement use is important because they may interact with prescription drugs or other supplements, cause adverse reactions includ...

    Authors: Michael Bauer, Tasha Glenn, Jörn Conell, Natalie Rasgon, Wendy Marsh, Kemal Sagduyu, Rodrigo Munoz, Ute Lewitzka, Rita Bauer, Maximilian Pilhatsch, Scott Monteith and Peter C. Whybrow
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:12
  22. A previous factor analysis of Young Mania Rating Scale and Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale items identified composite factors of depression, mania, sleep disturbance, judgment/impulsivity, and irrita...

    Authors: Michael J Ostacher, Trisha Suppes, Alan C Swann, James M Eudicone, Wally Landsberg, Ross A Baker and Berit X Carlson
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:11
  23. The Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST) was developed for the clinical evaluation of functional impairment of patients suffering from bipolar disorder. The aim of this study was to validate the Finnish ve...

    Authors: Kirsi Suominen, Elina Salminen, Susanna Lähteenmäki, Tiina Tupala and Erkki Isometsä
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:10
  24. There is evidence of cognitive impairment that persists in the remission phase of bipolar disorder; however, the extent of the deficits that occur from the first onset of the disorder remains unclear. This is ...

    Authors: Rothanthi Daglas, Murat Yücel, Sue Cotton, Kelly Allott, Sarah Hetrick and Michael Berk
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:9
  25. Life events play an important role in the onset and course of bipolar disorder. We will test the influence of life events on first and recurrent admissions in bipolar disorder and their interaction to test the...

    Authors: Sanne M Kemner, Neeltje EM van Haren, Florian Bootsman, Marinus JC Eijkemans, Ronald Vonk, Astrid C van der Schot, Willem A Nolen and Manon HJ Hillegers
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:6
  26. It has been proposed that bipolar disorder onsets in a predictable progressive sequence of clinical stages. However, there is some debate in regard to a statistical approach to test this hypothesis. The object...

    Authors: Charles DG Keown-Stoneman, Julie Horrocks, Gerarda A Darlington, Sarah Goodday, Paul Grof and Anne Duffy
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:5
  27. There is an increasing use of ayahuasca for recreational purposes. Furthermore, there is a growing evidence for the antidepressant properties of its components. However, there are no reports on the effects of ...

    Authors: Alejandro G Szmulewicz, Marina P Valerio and Jose M Smith
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:4
  28. In previous years, research has focused on the situation of psychiatric patients' minor children. The aims of this qualitative study were to describe the experience of adult children of depressed and bipolar p...

    Authors: Rita Bauer, Hermann Spiessl and Marina J Helmbrecht
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:2
  29. With two recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the efficacy of lithium compared to placebo and other treatment options, it can now be concluded that lithium is the only drug that has been shown effica...

    Authors: Willem A Nolen
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2015 3:1
  30. Cognitive impairment in patients with bipolar disorder (BD) is not restricted to symptomatic phases. It is also present in euthymia. There is evidence of differences in the brain’s structure between bipolar pa...

    Authors: Andrea Pfennig, Martin Alda, Trevor Young, Glenda MacQueen, Janusz Rybakowski, Aleksandra Suwalska, Christian Simhandl, Barbara König, Tomas Hajek, Claire O’Donovan, Dirk Wittekind, Susanne von Quillfeldt, Jana Ploch, Cathrin Sauer and Michael Bauer
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:16
  31. In a previous meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing lithium with placebo as a long-term treatment in bipolar disorders, we observed a clear preventative effect for manic episodes; however, th...

    Authors: Emanuel Severus, Matthew J Taylor, Cathrin Sauer, Andrea Pfennig, Philipp Ritter, Michael Bauer and John R Geddes
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:15
  32. Quetiapine extended release (XR) and lithium are treatments with proven efficacy in acute mania. This randomized study evaluated the efficacy and safety of lithium or placebo as add-on to quetiapine XR in adul...

    Authors: Michel S Bourin, Emanuel Severus, Juan P Schronen, Peter Gass, Johan Szamosi, Hans Eriksson and Hongally Chandrashekar
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:14
  33. Lithium as a gold standard therapy for bipolar disorder is well known to have a number of medical comorbidities that impact renal, parathyroid, and thyroid function. Despite these medical comorbidities, there ...

    Authors: Manuel E Fuentes Salgado, Bruce Sutor, Robert C Albright and Mark A Frye
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:12
  34. Compliance is a key factor in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. This noninterventional study was conducted to explore factors associated with higher levels of compliance in bipolar patients, all t...

    Authors: Alexandra Kutzelnigg, Martin Kopeinig, Chih-Ken Chen, Ágnes Fábián, María Gloria Pujol-Luna, Young-chul Shin, Tamás Treuer, Yulia D'yachkova, Claudia Deix, Siegfried Kasper and Dagmar Doby
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:13
  35. Studies from the USA suggest that rates of pediatric bipolar disorder have increased since the mid-90s, but no study outside the USA has been published on the rates of pediatric bipolar disorder. Further, it i...

    Authors: Lars Vedel Kessing, Eleni Vradi and Per Kragh Andersen
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:10
  36. The nature of mood variation in bipolar disorder has been the subject of relatively little research because detailed time series data has been difficult to obtain until recently. However some papers have addre...

    Authors: Paul J Moore, Max A Little, Patrick E McSharry, Guy M Goodwin and John R Geddes
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:11
  37. When analysing and reporting data from long-term drug trials in bipolar disorder, it has become the standard to break down the outcome into the prevention of mania and the prevention of depression. However, as...

    Authors: Rasmus Wentzer Licht and Emanuel Severus
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:8
  38. The lateral hypothalamus integrates critical physiological functions such as the sleep-wake cycle, energy expenditure, and sexual behaviors. These functions are severely dysregulated during mania. In this stud...

    Authors: Osama A Abulseoud, Ulas M Camsari, Christina L Ruby, Khalid Mohamed, Noha M Abdel Gawad, Aimen Kasasbeh, Mehmet Y Yüksel and Doo-Sup Choi
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:7
  39. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a common, severe mental disorder with a high recurrence rate. Lithium (Li) is the cornerstone of BD treatments to reduce recurrence, suicide, and mortality risks. However, only 30% of ...

    Authors: Pierre Alexis Geoffroy, Bruno Etain, Sarah Sportiche and Frank Bellivier
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:5
  40. Bipolar disorder is a highly heritable illness that onsets in adolescence and young adulthood. We examined gene expression (mRNA) and protein levels of candidate immune and neurotrophic markers in well-charact...

    Authors: Anne Duffy, Julie Horrocks, Sarah Doucette, Charles Keown-Stoneman, Paul Grof, Ana Andreazza and L Trevor Young
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:4
  41. Reduction of the stigma of mental illness is an international priority; arts- and contact-based approaches represent a promising mode of intervention. This project was designed to explore the impact of a one-w...

    Authors: Erin E Michalak, James D Livingston, Victoria Maxwell, Rachelle Hole, Lisa D Hawke and Sagar V Parikh
    Citation: International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 2014 2:1